These are sites belonging to members of the now-dead MUC, or other people I know:
Spyware Watchdog (clearnet) and onion || Eldritch Data (clearnet) and onion || Shadow Wiki (onion) and I2P || oreamnos (gopher) || Duion || trbl || Verisimilitudes || Bornfree || puffy || kolya || Awaru || Take Back Our Tech || Chadnet || Diego || Sprinkled Nights || TOM (Nuegia) || 12bytes || TheAnonymouseJoker || backtoheaven || drummyfish || SolivagantIt can be hard to find treasure in the junkyard known as the Internet, so I will catalogue the ones I've encountered here:
Debunking Skeptics - Probably my favorite site on the Internet (except my own, of course ^_^). I was reading it religiously as a *****ager, and it provided strong support towards my questioning of mainstream theories and their devout defenders; without that site, there would likely be no Dig Deeper. If you liked my Mozilla or Coronavirus reports, you will feel right at home on Debunking Skeptics. Covers many fringe topics, such as conspiracies, extrasensory perception, and life after death. Mostly famous for its total destruction of the so-called "rational skeptics", pretty much making them look like total idiots. Sadly hasn't been updated in a long time, but all the reports in there are still very relevant today.
Eugene McCarthy - Are humans the hybrids of chimpanzees and pigs? Finally, we have a scientific explanation for humanity's existence that fits the pieces extremely well together without all the pitfalls of mainstream theories. Take the pigpill!
Miles Mathis - This guy has some nice papers exposing staged / fake events (check out his Stephen Hawking report, for example - and prepare to have your mind blown to pieces) - relying on photo analysis, genealogies, and general logic. He also covers many different topics, and has a kind of high-level understanding of the world that I think is rare; most articles have some kind of insight stuck in them. Also updates quite often. So I recommend keeping an eye on this guy. Edit: wow. In his recent report he said If I were having ***** right now not only would I not have them in a hospital, I wouldn't even register their births. I would hide them completely from the government
. First time I've seen someone but me figure out this is even an option. Feels good to have someone share my insanity spicyness :D.
Ray Peat - Writings of biologist Raymond Peat, mostly covering human physiology and nutrition, but drifting into other related topics (including relevant conspiracies) sometimes. Extremely well thought-out and researched; compared to regular nutrition sites, it's in another stratosphere. Articles also available at Chadnet, just in case his goes down after his departure.
Vitamin D Wiki - An absolutely insane life project of a single guy (?). The amount of admiration I have for this site cannot be put in words. Everything you have ever wanted to know about vitamin D - the most important nutrient for human biology - is here. And then ten times that, if you are still hungry :D. Beautifully presented and fully referenced, even includes a bunch of charts, graphs, etc for pretty much every relevant issue. Hey, Vit D Wiki even works without JavaScript at all. S tier site, a true gem.
FalKKonE - High quality video game remixes. Includes some of my favorite franchises like Pokemon, Ace Attorney, and Undertale.
Sci-hub - Just in case someone doesn't know about it, it allows you to read scientific papers without paying, subscribing, etc. It's piracy, but for non-entertainment purposes :D. Hey, without it, my corona report probably wouldn't exist. Don't feel bad about using it; governments / medical institutions are basing some decisions on the paid studies - and you have the right to know just how solid they are. To download a study, you usually just need its PMID number.
Ciphers by Ritter - Best cryptography resource out there, by a mile. Explains the basics thoroughly and in a way that's easy to understand. Debunks myths and covers stuff that other sites don't dare to touch. Clearly, the author has a deep understanding of the topic.
Unix Sheikh || sadgrl || Aral Balkan || sysdfree || Udonya || Wrongthink || Koshka || ijver
The Cave of Dragonflies - Look at the beautiful, old-school design! And the lovely style switcher! Imagine the effort, which has to be appreciated in the age of soydevism. Also, maintaining a Pokemon site for 20 (!) years is really impressive. Though it also has other useful content like HTML tutorials. And yet, the site hasn't managed to rack up even 10 million views during its entire existence. Sad.